What You Should Do If You Lose Your Luggage At The Airport?

What You Should Do If You Lose Your Luggage At The Airport?

The thought of losing one’s luggage can be very frustrating especially if, on a trip, so many things come to mind since the luggage would contain items needed for your stay at your destination. So many things can run through one’s mind especially if the luggage contains vital information and a large sum of money. Loss of luggage can occur due to several reasons like swapping identical bags, airport baggage mixes up, theft and carelessness.

It is advisable to keep essential items in your hand luggage in case of eventualities where the luggage you checked in gets missing, you won’t be stranded. It is also important that you label your bag appropriately or you do something peculiar that makes your bags stand out, you might want to tie the handle of your bag with a colourful material which would make every other person know that the bag does not belong to them and hence cannot be mistaken for theirs.

When you are finally through with clearing your luggage at the airport or recovering your luggage, you will need to transport yourself and your luggage to your accommodation or your next destination. You can read economy car rental reviews in the UK on Britainreviews.co.uk to know what companies you can rent a car from at the airport or that can drop the car for you at the airport.

There are different things to do when your luggage is missing, below are some tips on the actions to take.

· Be calm

The shock one gets after discovering that a bag is missing can be alarming, this can lead to a panic attack. At that moment, all you need to do is to calm down. When you notice that your luggage is not on the treadmill, do not panic, relax and take a deep breath.

· Visit the information stand

All airports and have information stand located at different parts of the airport. At the information stand, you’ll be directed to the luggage claim office where you will be given a form to fill. The form would include the details of your trip including the information about your luggage such as the size of the luggage, the colour of the luggage. Ensure you have your boarding pass with you, this would contain information needed to complete the form and the details would enable the airline to trace the luggage.

When you are done with the form, do not forget to request the airline contact details for the luggage claim, this would enable you to follow up with the progress of the search, the airline you travelled with is ultimately responsible for the delivery of your bag to you. Do not lose your luggage claim ticket as this would be requested for when the luggage is eventually found.

· Ask for a compensation plan.

Information is power so, it is important to know the compensation plan for baggage delay or lost baggage. All airlines have such plans, this would help you know to what extent the airline company will reimburse you. Some airline would pay for delay depending on the number of the day your luggage is being delayed, some also have a compensation plan for luggage that is damaged by the airline workers but the proof would be needed for this so, it is important to take a picture of your luggage with the airline tag on it after it might have been checked in.